Tungku Association

Tungku Association

The Tengku Association is restricted to the eastern tip of the Dent Peninsula, where it occurs on a broad coastal terrace of calcareous alluvium underlain by coral. Inland, it adjoins low hills and towards the coast, it is bordered by a coastal backswamp.

It occurs on a low level coastal plain, rising very gradually to the west. The soils are formed on calcareous alluvium which in predominantly fine-textured and underlain by coral or coral debris. The depth of this alluvium is about 120 cm and outcrops of coral are confined to the sides of minor streams and stream beds. Deposits of more recent alluvium occur adjacent to the larger streams.

Apart from the eastern edge of the association where secondary forest occurs and on Pulau Tambisan where coconuts have been planted, the association is under dipterocarp forest.

The majority of the Tungku Association is composed of high quality agricultural land eminently suitable for development.